Very Fun and Addictive!
I really like this game. I tend to lose because I'm a SPEED DEMON but thats ok. It is fun! I get really pissed and swear at the game for not accelerating fast enough after a crash. I would hate the game for that but it is just too much fun and really crazy addictive. I really like it.
The music is awesome!!! There are some very good racing songs there that i really enjoy so nice job there. I really like the whole feel.
On the 3D part I tried it and it is ok but I can't see it....personally it could be that my eyes have a hard time processing 3D for some reason but I've read other reviews saying it didn't work there either. BUt couldbe their eyes, lol.
Anyway, great game, I loved it (love) and am still playing it. SO ADDICTIVE!!
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